To save time and money, anyone may order the download version and then download the program and PDF manual and instructional videos.
* * Packages sent outside of the USA are taking much longer than normal. It may take 4 or 6 weeks before your package arrives if you live outside of the U.S.A. When you place an order, you will receive an automatic email with directions about downloading the program and PDF manual (if you do not want to wait for the package.) * *
Prices for Brother's Keeper are in U.S. dollars. You may use your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or PayPal to order from this secure site.
There is free shipping to the USA and also free shipping for new user registration. There is a $6 shipping fee added for Update orders mailed outside of the USA.
If you are a registered user of BK5, BK6 or BK7 and you have a registration number, then you may order BK 7.5 at the update price instead of the full version price.
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